Archive for March 5th, 2010

Just quickly now

Done with the first week of classes and I am swamped and freaking out. I work about 25 hours a week and classes take up another 25 hours of class time and for each class (I have 5) I have to devote between 3-6 hours per week outside of class time. Apparently it takes 3 hours to make 15 seconds of animation. But then again that’s similar to when I was studying film and finding out (the hard way) that 1 hour of post-production is roughly equivalent to a minute of video output. I pretty much died the semester I had 4 film subjects.

So I’m going to give it a month and see if this is something I can sustain. I fear I may have to cut down on working and I don’t want to do that because I have about 5 trips planned this year and I need the cash. Part of that money goes to school fees anyway and there’s just not enough to get around.

I am going to get buried. I’ve been reading my marketing book on the train and on lunch breaks (if I’m not busy researching or photocopying and scanning stuff), just because there’s no other time to do it. I still have about 20 pages to read before the next class and while that’s not much, I have to worry about progressing on a drawing, completing a presentation and coming up with at least 3 concepts whose design I can properly execute in 2 weeks’ time and drawing sketches for it, researching on two photographers and preparing a presentation, website research and comparison then presenting on that as well… I’m loving it but if this is what a week is like, then I am so screwed this year.